
Showing posts from July, 2023
  Cheating in examinations in Ghana is getting sophisticated and there is the need for new and smart ways to deal with it. These new 2023 BECE exam rules for candidates are a set of rules made public by the Weija-Gbawe Municipal Education Office of the Ghana Education Service as part of efforts to curb examination malpractices. Some of the rules indicate as follows… Per our investigations, one of the reasons for this rule is the tendency of students to hide prepared notes, answers, and other foreign materials in their socks to avoid being caught and end up taking them into the exam halls at the blind side of invigilators. The directive further indicated that 2023 BECE candidates cannot enter the examination hall with wristwatches or mobile phones, earphones or earpieces, or any electronic gadgets. The BECE is a brick-and-mortar examination that requires candidates to only enter the exam hall with the following Pens Pencils Rulers Erasers Mathematical sets Drawing board and other permit

Mahama allegedly.. .........................👇👇👇

NEWS  POLITICS Election 2024: Mahama Allegedly Seeks New Running Mate As He Allegedly Drops Prof Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang – Report Prof Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang And John Dramani Mahama.png Former President and flagbearer of the NDC, John Dramani Mahama together with Prof. Jane Naana The former President and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani, has decided to replace Professor Nana Jane Opoku-Agyemang as running mate. This is according to a newspaper report by the Daily Guide dated July 28, 2023. According to the report, the party, is currently engaged in an extensive consultative process to determine the most suitable replacement. The former Minister for Education partnered the John Mahama in the 2020 general elections. The newspaper report stated that sources close to the former president revealed that a listening survey is being conducted among NDC delegates to gauge their preferences for Mahama’s new running mate. The decision to drop Professor Opoku

I least expected this.............

      Money over love episode 1 “I least expected this  From you. Anyway it has already happened and I thank God Faustina came to save me. Let me see the list.” He stretched forth his hands and I gave it to him. He took the list and studied it very well and smiled. “Haha my guy, am sure this list is suggesting that the lady becomes your personal property after marrying her. Why should you pay your in-laws at the end of the month and fuel their car for them? Ah this is nonsense. It has no meaning. Eemm this is what we will do, you don’t need to disguise yourself as if you have turned rich. Since the ladies mother is ready to accept you, I will help you buy some of the items and tell them that was all you were able to get. Let them understand that you can’t afford paying for their fuel every month and pay them in addition. Why, are you a bank where their daughter becomes their deposit?” He said and tapped my shoulders. I thanked him for the support and advice. He said I shouldn’t worry.

The church of pentecost has........................

 In this picture, at the ongoing first-ever Ghana 🇬🇭 National Development Conference organized by the Church of Pentecost, is the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, leading a prayer for our Presidents (from left to right): H. E. John Agyekum Kufuor (Ghana's President, 2001 to 2004, then from 2005 to 2008); H. E. the Current Vice President of Ghana, Dr Alhaji Mahamodou Bawumia representing the President H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo (Ghana's President, 2017 to 2020, then from 2021 until 2024); and H. E. John Dramani Mahama (Ghana's Former Vice President from 2009 to 2012, then as Ghana's President from 2013 to 2016). May the Spirit of the Lord bring lasting socio-economic prosperity to the generality of Ghanaian through morally-grounded and systematic leadership at all levels in Jesus Name! AMEN!  S. K. Fianko-Larbi 

Stop Throwing Out Banana Peels.......................

 And Use Them To Grow Vegetables At Home According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "when food decomposes in a landfill, methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is emitted." That's why it is important to try and reduce food waste by finding new ways to utilize the peels, cores, and other components of fruits and vegetables that we usually throw out. For example, you can revitalize your garden with just a few banana peels. Just like the inside of a banana is good for you, the outside is good for the earth. The various minerals present in banana peels, like calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, mean they make for excellent fertilizer. It's also incredibly simple to turn them into plant food. Throughout your week as you snack on bananas and use them to make incredible banana bread, collect your peels in a reusable bag until you're ready to fertilize. Then, slice up the peels, making sure to remove any fruit stickers that may be attached to them. Toss the chopped peels

Don't bring problem, ''bring solution ''

  DON'T BRING ME PROBLEM BRING ME SOLUTION  The “bring me a solution” approach can also cause employees to shut down in fear, breed a culture of intimidation, and prevent some problems from surfacing until they’re full-blown crises. Consider the example of one of my clients, James (not his real name), who is the president of a company working on a disruptive service in his industry. He often has an unpleasant reaction when staff raises problems. His team members told me that if they raise an issue or risk, James often hears failure and reacts by losing his temper and raising his voice. The outbursts hurt morale and often cause his team members to lose enthusiasm toward projects and become hesitant to mention problems to James. As a result, James’s team only provides him with good news about initiatives they’re working on, leaving James blind to any potential issues. They also spend a lot of time in each other’s offices, licking their wounds after James’ outbursts, instead of being
 8 Fun and Fulfilling Ways to Retire by Age 50 Early retirement is a real option that more people are pursuing. You can do this if you are willing to work hard. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It's never too late to start saving for early retirement, but the sooner you start saving and investing your money, the more time it will have to grow. If you want to retire by age 50, you need to be willing to work hard and be creative. You must take risks, manage your money well and make sacrifices. The key is that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. There are no shortcuts or easy options that can get you there in a short amount of time. If you're already in your 40s and haven't begun saving yet, do not worry. The important thing is that now is the time to start saving as much as possible so that by the time you reach 50 years old — or even sooner — you'll have enough for whatever life throws at you after work. Here are the act
 18th July 2023 For Immediate Release   GHANA, PORTUGAL SIGN DEFENCE AND ECONOMIC PACTS   The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his Portuguese counterpart, His Excellency Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, have signed bilateral instruments of co-operation in the areas of defence, political consultation and trade between the two countries.   This latest form of engagement, President Akufo-Addo said, would go a long way to strengthen the ties of friendship and the bonds of co-operation between Ghana and Portugal.   Speaking at a Joint Press Conference with President Marcelo Rebelo De Sousa, as part of his 3-day State Visit to Portugal on Tuesday, 18th July 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal, the President stated that the move “is borne out of a decision by Ghana “to turn our back on our old economy, which has been dependent on the production and export of raw materials, and also dependent on aid.”   According to President Akufo-Addo, “we want to build a value-added, industrialised
  5 THINGS THAT KILL YOUR PERSONALITY❗️ 1. ⚫️Lack of Empathy:  ➖When a person lacks empathy, they are unable to understand and share in the feelings and experiences of others. This can make them appear cold, selfish, and unkind, which can greatly impact their personality. 2. ⚫️Narcissism:  ➖Excessive self-centeredness and a sense of superiority can ruin a person's personality. Narcissistic individuals often have an inflated sense of self-importance, lack empathy, and have a constant need for admiration, which can negatively affect their relationships and overall character. 3. ⚫️Dishonesty:  ➖Consistently lying or being deceitful can greatly impact a person's personality. It erodes trust, damages relationships, and tarnishes one's reputation. Dishonesty can make someone appear untrustworthy, manipulative, and lacking integrity. 4. ⚫️Negativity:  ➖Constant negativity, pessimism, and complaining can ruin a person's personality. It brings down the overall atmosphere and aff


    DISAGREEMENT CONTRIBUTE TO SEPARATION   In a faraway jungle lives two best friends: the monkey and the elephant. The two animals always did everything together, regardless of how dangerous, foolish, or unthinkable it may be. One day, a sudden disagreement happened between the two. They were arguing about who contributed more to their adventures. The monkey argued that it’s better to be fast and flexible while the elephant believed that being strong is the most important trait. See also What are the Main Causes of Laziness? The two couldn’t reach an agreement and this issue almost ruined their friendship so they decided to seek the wise owl to settle their dispute. The owl told the two animals that he’ll ask their question only if they could bring back a unique fruit that is located across the river. The two friends argued that it would be impossible but they agreed to try in the end. When they reached the riverbank, the monkey realized that the river is impossible to cross becau

How To Improve Your Brain Power (Increase IQ Level)

      How To Improve Your Brain Power (Increase IQ Level) Our cognitive abilities, closely tied to brain power and Intelligence Quotient (IQ), play a pivotal role in how we perceive, interpret, and interact with the world around us. Exploring strategies to elevate these abilities allows for improved decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking. This comprehensive guide will equip you with practical techniques to augment your brain’s capacity and stimulate intellectual growth. The Power Of Sensory Experiences The human body boasts a stunning array of five senses, each serving as a conduit to the surrounding environment. These senses continually feed our brains with a diverse spectrum of information. You enhance your interaction with your surroundings by actively engaging all your senses – taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. This engagement can range from savoring foreign cuisine’s flavors, feeling a tree’s rough bark, listening to the rhythmic pattern of rain, watching a s
Prayer Warrior Shares Account of the ‘Arrest’ and Detention of Bird Transformed into a Woman  July 17, 2023 A woman who claims to have first sighted a bird that later turned into a woman at Gomoa Mampong in the Central Region has opened up on how the episode unfolded and how together with other prayer warriors, they accosted the intruder. The unnamed prayer warrior, in an interview with Metro TV (July 17) said she was part of a prayer group that had been praying for the victim of a spiritual attack and that on the said day, they were in prayer when she was prompted by an angel to a strange occurrence. “As we were praying, I saw something black and an angel prompted me to look at it, I looked up and approached it with some of my prayer colleagues. I posed questions but got no response, apparently her mouth had been sealed. “I tried severally but got no response so I poured water on her and she started talking. She confessed that she was sent by the big idol in Winneba and I asked her mi

Bird Allegedly Turns Into Human In Broad Daylight Gomoa Mampong👇 [Video]

  Bird Allegedly Turns Into Human In Broad Daylight At Gomoa Mampong [Video] Bird allegedly turns into human: It is a truly strange act if all of the details are confirmed, but it has been reported that a bird has allegedly turned into a human. The report, shared in a video said that this bizarre thing happened at Gomoa Mampong in the Central Region. The reporter further stated that as instructed, the family stayed up at midnight to pray and during that moment, some strange things started happening.   He added that while praying, they heard two birds land on their building and with time, one of them flew away, leaving the other.   But soon, they would hear another loud sound from outside, only to step out to see that the other bird had allegedly turned into a human being.     Upon quizzing her, she said she was from New Winneba, and that Paa Kwesi had been sold to her at a fee of GH¢50, for her to kill him.     Nana Antwi, who is a sub-chief of the area, is reported to have eventually

prayer does not have season



1. People will respect you based on how you respect yourself, talk to people and how you treat people around you with respect and good and positive energy. 2. No amount of bribery can make people love you if you're a bad person. 3. Good behavior attracts  people to you, while bad behavior repels people. 4. Tell people your own story first. They will share theirs eventually. (The Art of Making Someone Confess). 5.Blind people are much sensitive. 6. If you want someone new to like you, then refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away. 7.Be thankful for all the struggles you went through. They make you stronger, wiser and humble. Don't let it break you and let it make you.  8. Slow people generally like to be in control and know how to appreciate life. Geared people,tend to be ambitious, goal-oriented, open to new experiences, and often impatient. 9. Before t




 WHAT'S MY PERSONALITY TEMPERAMENT? Each section represents one of four Temperaments: SECTION 1:Sanguine Temperament (fun-loving extrovert; outgoing; very social; "the life of the party") - EXTROVERT SECTION 2:Choleric Temperament (focused; extrovert; goal oriented; "the achiever") - EXTROVERT SECTION 3:Melancholy Temperament (detailed; introspective; artistic; "the naturally gifted") - INTROVERT SECTION 4:Phlegmatic Temperament (easy going; stable; consistent; "the loyal friend") - INTROVERT