In a faraway jungle lives two best friends: the monkey and the elephant. The two animals always did everything together, regardless of how dangerous, foolish, or unthinkable it may be.

One day, a sudden disagreement happened between the two. They were arguing about who contributed more to their adventures. The monkey argued that it’s better to be fast and flexible while the elephant believed that being strong is the most important trait.

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The two couldn’t reach an agreement and this issue almost ruined their friendship so they decided to seek the wise owl to settle their dispute.

The owl told the two animals that he’ll ask their question only if they could bring back a unique fruit that is located across the river. The two friends argued that it would be impossible but they agreed to try in the end.

When they reached the riverbank, the monkey realized that the river is impossible to cross because it’s very deep and the current was too strong. However, the elephant easily crossed the river towards the tree but the fruit was too high. He tried to knock the tree down with his strength but to no avail.

The elephant went back across the river and told the monkey to jump on his back. Together they went back to the other side and once they reached the tree, the monkey quickly climbed the tree and successfully pick the fruit.

The two friends went back together to the owl in which the owl asked them how they took the fruit. The monkey declared that he was the one who plucked the fruit from the tree but the elephant strongly argued that without his help, the monkey won’t be able to cross the river in the first place.

The wise owl stopped the argument and told the two animals to think about what is more important: to be the one who is right or getting the job done. He added that they should both look at the bigger picture and not see themselves as superior to others.

Moral of the Story:

You are more powerful when you work together with other people. Achieving your goal is not possible without help from other people.

Final thoughts

Behind any great end result and success, a good team that works well together is mostly to thank for. In today’s world where teamwork is given importance in every company, leaders and employees who avoid collaboration tend to pose challenges for business owners.

Hard work, communication, and support are just some of the things every team should have to work together effectively.

Make Everyday Count - Stay Motivated!


  1. God has created everyone in a unique way to be able help one another and so, its not a matter of who is strong or wise it's about a team work.


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