The four main types ............πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


The four main types of managers

Teacher managers 

develop their employees based on their own expertise and experience. Their mantra is: “I did it this way, and therefore you should, too.” They typically advance in the organization not necessarily because they are the greatest managers, but because of their institutional knowledge.

Always On managers 

constantly monitor and check in on their employees. They have good intentions and want to be the ones providing continuous coaching and feedback across a wide breadth of skills.

Cheerleader managers

 have a more hands-off approach, giving positive feedback and putting employees in charge of their own development. They are approachable and supportive, but not as proactive as the other manager types when it comes to developing their employees’ skills.

Connector managers 

provide feedback in their area of expertise, while also connecting employees to others on the team or in the organization who are better suited at addressing specific needs. 


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